Sunday, June 17, 2012


However if the sarcasm seems to be particularly directed toward you, and if it mostly consists of mimicking you in an unpleasant manner, then this is the sort of sarcasm that that person is using more maliciously. This form of sarcasm is normally used as a way for that person to try and improve their own standing and reputation by putting you down. They might then use sarcasm with the intention of making you look foolish and through doing this they then hope to make themselves look more intelligent and move further up the hierarchy. Such people tend to have low self esteem and so require the use of put downs such as sarcasm in order to try and make themselves feel or look better. These people are like leaches on your self esteem and it's important not to let the problem get to you.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Trying to keep a positive attitude

Going to see if this helps me to keep a good attitude even when things are not great.